BioDynamic Breath & Trauma Release Study
For more info and prices please contact us
You can start your training from any of the trainings.
400 Total Core Curriculum Hours for BBTRS Practitioner Certification include:
- Minimum of 4 in-person trainings, and 3 webinar trainings and 7 Mentoring calls in between training modules.
- 70 one-hour documented practice sessions over the course of 2 years. (Minimum 5 clients completing full 8-session series)
- Total hours completed over 2-year period
The BBTRS Training is structured to accommodate participants from all levels of the Practitioner Certification Program and Experiential Route, at any given training workshop around the world. This means that anyone, regardless of whether it is your first, second, third or fourth time attending the BBTRS Training, can attend any training workshop at any point in time. All training workshops are suitable as an entry point into Foundational Level 1.
As you progress through your BBTRS training, you will be taught advanced elements of the training and take on different roles and responsibilities within the workshop group to further your personal and professional development. Students returning as part of the Practitioner Certification Program gradually take on the role of supporters and receive additional guidance and mentorship from the Facilitator Team to help them grow as practitioners and learn to hold safe session space for others. New participants benefit from this integrated structure through receiving the broad support offered by both the facilitators and more experienced students at various levels. Our integrated training structure allows all participants to have a unique learning & healing experience as part of a group process, and to meet your varying needs at all stages of your journey with BBTRS.The BBTRS trainings are uniquely designed to accommodate aspiring and existing practitioners, as well as anyone wanting to fully participate in their own healing process with breathwork on a purely experiential basis.
Participants can access the Foundational Level 1 Training at any given training workshop around the world. There are no prerequisites for attending the training.
Upon completion of the Foundational Level 1 Training, participants can choose to continue in our trainings on a purely experiential basis (Experiential Route) or to enter into our Practitioner Certification Program (total 400-hr training).
Foundational Level 1 BBTRS Training includes:
- Anatomy & Physiology of Breathwork Webinar
- BBTRS Training Manual
- Daily BBTRS exchange sessions
- 1 follow-up/integration call
In the first stage of our training, participants begin to experience the art of moving deeply into the body, and holding space for themselves and others in trauma release with skill and sensitivity.
During exposure to traumatic events you may lose your connection to feeling and the sense of being grounded. This results in tension, numbness and disconnection from the universal life force energy (Prana or Qi) which when left unaddressed, may cause onset of disease. Re-establishing this sense of connection to self and inner trust is what makes trauma release possible. You will learn to connect with your “felt sense” and to create a “safe container”; a feeling of comfort within your physical body. These tools allow you to feel your fully unrestricted energy flow without being overwhelmed by it. Through personal experience, you begin to gain an understanding of the effects that trauma has on a human being.
Working with breathing techniques, meditation and movement, we begin to unlock and release the tension patterns held in the nervous/muscular systems and fascia. Participants are encouraged to discover and complete their own body’s interrupted “fight or flight” responses and/or to overcome their “frozen & dissociated” states, which result from traumatic events. This supports a deep opening allowing everyone’s true growth and healing potential to manifest.
This opening allows you to develop your sensitivity and intuition which are the primary requirements needed to support yourself and others in a compassionate BBTRS session. Through the group processes and individual session exchanges you will establish trust, which is the most valuable quality in a breath and body-oriented trauma release session and key to your healing.
Working closely with each other in a session exchange format, participants will also gain an understanding of how to structure and conduct a BBTRS session.
Participants are required to complete the ‘Anatomy & Physiology of Breathwork’ webinar prior to attending the Foundational Level 1 Training. The Foundational Level 1 Training will be followed up with a group integration call two weeks after the training finishes. This gives you an opportunity to share your post-training process and to receive guidance and feedback from one of our facilitators.
Intermediate Level 2 BBTRS Training includes:
- Additional webinars “Understanding Trauma” & “Introduction to Reichian Character Types” (+ Manual)
- Additional Mentoring meetings with facilitators (3 x in 7-day training)
- Mentoring calls (minimum 3 x btw Level 2-3)
- Stay out/support sessions & receive feedback from facilitators
You will deepen into letting go of self-limiting beliefs stored in cellular memories that restrict the body/mind structure. This develops a direct mind-body-spirit connection, which supports your innate intelligence to move into freedom of expression.
Arrested energy in the form of shortened, hardened soft tissue layers interferes with the conduction & free flow of nerve impulses. These restrictions lock the traumatic events in the cellular memory.
Continued session exchanges enhance the understanding of both traumatic holding patterns in the body and the approach towards permanent trauma release. You will have additional Q&A sessions with the facilitators to address questions and/or concerns about BBTRS session techniques, required practice sessions, client feedback forms and examine specific case studies. Level 2 students will follow the facilitators during group exercises & session exchanges to observe and strengthen previously acquired facilitation techniques and learn new & creative ways to support BBTRS sessions. This will occur a minimum 20-30% of the active group participation hours.
After completing Level 2 and before attending Level 3 students are required to complete the “Understanding Trauma” and “Introduction to Reichian Character Types” webinars. In addition, students will participate in a minimum of 3 group mentoring calls in between Training modules Level 2 and 3.
Advanced Level 3 & 4 BBTRS Training includes:
- Additional Mentoring meetings with facilitators (6 x in 7-day training)
- Mentoring calls (minimum 4 x btw Level 3-4)
- Stay out/support sessions & receive feedback from facilitators
- Practitioner certification & benefits upon completion of Level 4
The culmination of your self-development and growth, in conjunction with your experiential academic process, provides you with the necessary tools to facilitate others in trauma healing and transformation.
When the muscular system and fascia are released of tension and the nervous system is free of shock, we regain the natural flexibility of the spinal column.
An open, flexible spine creates a clear pathway for the transmission of nerve impulses to travel though the spinal cord. Repressed energy locked in the pelvic region is free to move into the heart and other energetic centers of the body. Trauma Release is about re-establishing the connection between the pelvis (Root Chakra) and higher energetic centers. This supports a natural “letting go” of personality structures and belief systems that keep us from living fully free in the heart of each moment. You will experience increased self-awareness, self-responsibility and creativity.
During Level 3 & 4 of the training, students will follow the facilitators during group exercises & session exchanges to observe and strengthen previously acquired facilitation techniques and learn new & creative ways to support BBTRS sessions. This will occur a minimum 50% of the active group participation hours during Level 3, and 80-100% of the active group participation hours during Level 4. In addition, students will facilitate/guide the daily meditations and receive feedback on their facilitation skills. Receiving feedback points to student’s strengths and weaknesses thus expanding the ability to hold session space. Students are also required to participate in a minimum of 4 group mentoring calls in between Training modules Level 3 and 4.